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4 Challenges Associated with DIY Kitchen Cabinet Painting Barrie

Do you plan to go for DIY kitchen cabinet painting Barrie? If so, you must understand the challenges associated with this task. At EcoRefinishers. We have come across several homeowners who started a DIY kitchen cabinet painting project but ended up calling us because they didn’t consider the challenges beforehand. 

Kitchen Cabinet Painting Barrie
Kitchen Cabinet Painting Barrie

In such cases, our team was swift to clean up the mess and give our customers the finest kitchen cabinets refinished and painted according to their needs. So, if you are also thinking of starting a DIY kitchen cabinet painting project, our team wants you to know the associated challenges. 

Disassemble your kitchen cabinets

This is the first challenge you come across when starting a DIY kitchen cabinet painting project. You have to unscrew the hinges and remove the doors properly without damaging them. Several homeowners struggle at this crucial step and might end up damaging the door. Moreover, this process is tedious and will take time. 

Removing appliances and things for Kitchen Cabinet Painting Barrie

If you want to complete the DIY cabinet painting project efficiently without many errors, you must remove everything, including critical appliances. While removing them won’t be an issue, finding a safe space to keep them while painting your cabinets can become difficult. 

Creating a makeshift paint shop

When you call us at EcoRefinishers, we take away the cabinet doors to our paint shop without creating any mess around your house. However, if you are planning a DIY kitchen cabinet painting, you have to create a makeshift paint shop in your house. You will need separate space to store your cabinet doors before and after painting. Sometimes, it might not be possible for you. 

Difference in paint for Kitchen Cabinet Painting Barrie

When you are choosing a DIY route for kitchen cabinet painting, you must know the difference between regular wall paint and cabinet door paint. Moreover, you must know how to paint every nook and cranny of the cabinet door to get a good finish. 

Kitchen Cabinet Painting Barrie
Kitchen Cabinet Painting Barrie

Now you know the challenges associated with DIY kitchen cabinet painting Barrie. If you feel this to be a hassle, you can call us at EcoRefinishers. 

We will take care of it all from start to finish. From disassembling cabinet doors to painting and drying them in our paint shop, we will make the whole process hassle-free and seamless. Our professionalism and quality craftsmanship will ensure quick delivery of finished cabinet doors. 

Contact us now to find out more.